Fit Moms

Current Nutrition Trends that I Actually Like

I absolutely love the fitness and nutrition industry and am so glad I have chosen it for my career, however, one of the things I love the most about it, I also hate about it. This industry is constantly changing.  And by constantly, I mean every few months there seems...

Meal Plans and Counting Calories Do Not Work: Part 2

In my last blog I wrote about meal plans and why I do not think they work.  Calorie counting is often another so called ‘tool’ that many people try to use to lose weight.   Meal plans and calorie counting are often used in conjunction but many people have a target...

Meal Plans and Calorie Counting Do Not Work Part 1

As a fitness professional I am often asked for nutrition and exercise advice.  I am probably most often asked for meal plans.  For many years, I did come up with meal plans for either paying clients or for friends who asked for help.   For many years I have also...