Welcome to the blog!

I strive to balance motherhood, work, food and fitness.
Easy Meal Planning

Easy Meal Planning

My clients often ask what I eat and what I feed my family. Most of them know that I am big fan of meal planning. I am not referring to counting macros and putting all my meals in Tupperware, but planning 4-5 dinners per week to make dinnertime easier and less...

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Staying Consistent Through the Holidays

Staying Consistent Through the Holidays

Tis the season for holiday gatherings, busyness and stress, which often leads to the lack of priority on our health and well-being.  Though we are still in a pandemic, holiday travel, parties and get-togethers in many cases are back this year.  Along with...

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Back to School and Healthy Habits

Back to School and Healthy Habits

It is hard to believe that summer is wrapping up and fall is just around the corner.  Depending on where you live, many kids are already back in school or will be starting school soon.  With the start of school and often fall sports and activities, many are...

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Returning to Work

Returning to Work

The choice to return to work after having a baby is a very personal decision. I believe every mama has to figure out what will be best for their family. Unfortunately, society seems to shame mamas if they do return to work and also if they stay home. We often cannot...

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