Welcome to the blog!

I strive to balance motherhood, work, food and fitness.

Myths of Exercising and Pregnancy

As I stated in my first blog, I personally found it difficult to find good reliable information on exercising and pregnancy.   I read numerous books and found the most reliable one as mentioned before, was Exercising Through Your Pregnancy by Dr. James Clapp. The...

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Exercise During Pregnancy

It used to be thought that women should rest and take it easy while pregnant. It was even recommended that women should not exercise during pregnancy as it might pose risks to the fetus.   Though there are contraindications for some certain conditions and high risk...

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Fitness and Infertility Part 2

Last week, I wrote about what the science says about fitness and infertility. Now, I want to write about real life.   In 2010, my husband and I decided we wanted to start trying to get pregnant. Being on birth control for so long, I really did not know what to expect...

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Fitness and Infertility Part 1

Are fitness and infertility related? Before I even begin my blog (as my first post was just an introduction), I want to make a disclaimer. I am not an OBGYN, an endocrinologist or any type of medical doctor. I understand that every pregnancy and post-pregnancy...

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