Welcome to the blog!

I strive to balance motherhood, work, food and fitness.

My Top 5 Favorite Kitchen Tools

As I have shared in my blogs, my HealthyBabyFitMom Facebook group and through Instagram, I love to cook.   I do not love to necessarily cook elaborate meals but I love to cook healthy, relative easy and fast meals that taste great.   I also love to go out to dinner to...

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Time Management from a Fit Working Mom-Part 2

In my last blog, we met Rachelle, a fit stay-at-home mom of 2 who shared how she fits in exercising and cooking with 2 small boys at home. Her responses were honest, real  and she shared both her tips and struggles when trying to lead a healthy lifestyle. As I...

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Time Management from a Fit Stay at Home Mom-Part 1

Do I stay at home or do I return to work? I think this is a question that many, if not most moms ask themselves after having a baby and probably re-ask themselves after having a 2nd or 3rd baby.   I know that I thought about this after having Caleb and am already...

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